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Sinhá Colorific 3,52 onças.


    Colorific Sinhá is a seasoning widely used in Brazil, formed from a
mixture of annatto with cassava flour or cornmeal and vegetable oil.
It is also known as paprika. It can be used to prepare rice, vegetables,
chicken, fish, soups, broths, sauces, breads and cakes.
Try adding Colorific Sinhá to your recipes to add a touch of flavor
and color!
    Here are some benefits associated with using colorifico:

Antioxidants: Annatto, the main ingredient in colorific, is rich in 
antioxidants, such as carotenoids. These antioxidants help fight free
radicals in the body, protecting cells and reducing the risk of
chronic diseases.
Anti-inflammatory: Some studies suggest that annatto has
anti-inflammatory properties, which may be beneficial to overall health.
Cardiovascular health: The carotenoids present in annatto can help
maintain heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Improves digestion: The combination of annatto with cassava flour or
cornmeal can help with digestion, especially when used in dishes such
as beans or soups.
Source of vitamin A: Annatto is an excellent source of vitamin A,
important for eye, skin and immune system health.
Remember that consumption should be moderate, as the colorific is
mainly used as a seasoning and not as a supplement. Add it to your
favorite recipes to enjoy these benefits!

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