Strogonoff de frango prático (com molho pronto)

(Preparo de 30 minutos, receita rende 5 porções)


1/2 kg de peito de frango picado.
1  sachet de Molho Strogonoff Predilecta - Brazilian Corner
1 colher (de sopa) de óleo.
Champignon  a gosto.
Batata palha Yoki ou Batata Palha Pinduca - Brazilian Corner


Frite o frango no óleo até dourar.
Acrescente o Molho Strogonoff Predilecta.
Em seguida acrescente o champignon.
Após 15 minutos retire o strogonoff do fogo.
Sirva com arroz e batata palha (Voce pode encontrar esses produtos em nosso site)

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Quick Chicken Stroganoff (with ready-made sauce)

(Preparation time: 30 minutes, recipe yields 5 servings)


1/2 kg of chopped chicken breast.
1 sachet of Predilecta Stroganoff Sauce - Brazilian Corner
1 tablespoon of oil.
Mushrooms to taste.
Yoki Potato Sticks or Pinduca Potato Sticks - Brazilian Corner


Fry the chicken in oil until golden brown.
Add the Predilecta Stroganoff Sauce.
Then add the mushrooms.
After 15 minutes, remove the stroganoff from the heat.
Serve with rice and potato sticks (You can find these products on our website)

Click here to see our complete Box with all the ingredients.

Visit our website and purchase the ingredients for this recipe:

Batata palhaBrazilian strogonoffCreme de leiteEstrogonoffMolho pronto strogonoffQuick chicken stroganoff (with ready-made sauce)Sache de molho pronto strogonoffStrogonoffStrogonoff brasileiroStrogonoff de frangoStrogonoff de frango facilStrogonoff facilStrogonoff praticoStrogonoff rapido